Napier Vase

Napier Vase


The Napier vase is Crown Lynn shape 370, known as the ‘Large bubble strip vase’. It appears in Tam Mitchell’s logbook dated July 1962. See attached photograph.

There was also a small version, which was 7.5 inches tall, and the large one was 9 inches tall.

The large Bubble strip vase was made by Catherine Anselmi, then Studio Ceramics and now Stepahead.

Information provided by Te Toi Uku


The Napier Vase

Named after the city rebuilt in Art Deco style.

The form catches the grace and balance seen in many pieces designed in the 1920’s-1930’s.

One size in matt glazes – White or Black


The Golden Age of Crown Lynn Pottery

A decade of crowning ceramics Described as classic kiwiana, Crown Lynn pottery was a popular household feature in the 1960s. From its 1920s origins as brick and pipe manufacturers, the company expanded into the domestic market. Successful Government lobbying to place...

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